Contact: Tom Buglio E-mail: UUjusticePA
Vision Statement: Pennsylvania UUs are aware of justice issues and are called to speak and take action that leads to a better Commonwealth.
Mission: UUJusticePA educates and communicates with our congregations and partners to inspire action. We promote our values to policy makers to advance just legislation. We advocate for fairness and transparency in the democratic process.
What is UUJusticePA?
UUJusticePA (formerly UUPLAN) has an updated name change for a reason. Our new name says it all: UUs working for social justice in Pennsylvania.
In UUJusticePA, we leverage the commitment and skills of over 6,000 Unitarian Universalists in Pennsylvania to raise a loud, effective voice in Harrisburg. We speak as people of faith to counter religious extremism and proclaim social compassion and justice.
UUJusticePA Justice Teams:
Anti-Mass Incarceration
- Economic Justice
- Environmental Justice
- Gun Violence Prevention – Our own Tom Buglio is Team leader
- Immigration Justice
- Good Government
- Reproductive Justice
Get involved with UUJusticePA today:
- For more information go to www.UUJusticePA.org.
- For membership, renewal, or a contribution to UUPLAN, click HERE to download the form