Annual Registration is required for all students Pre-K through 12th grade. Visitors are welcome without pre-registering but should contact the Director of Lifespan Faith Development for any pertinent information.

Registering your child:

  • helps us with planning
  • ensures that you receive timely communication about events
  • provides us with information important to your child’s safety.
  • allows your child to take part in walking field trips, and for their photo to appear anonymously on our website, if you wish

You may register online using the form below.

Confidential R.E. Registration Form – 2024-2025

About You


Best Way to Contact You

About Your Child

List any talents or interests your child might like to share (e.g., singing, acting, reading, musical instruments.)
Please answer the following questions:

If you answered “YES”, you must fill out the SPECIAL NEEDS section below and speak with the Director of Religious Education to talk about your child’s specific needs and if we can accommodate your child.

If you answered “YES”, you must fill out the SPECIAL NEEDS section below and speak with the Director of Religious Education to talk about your child’s specific needs and if we can accommodate your child.

Your Involvement

The Religious Education program is a parent cooperative. Without the participation of our families, we could not offer a quality program! We count on Volunteer help in the following areas.

IMPORTANT: We ask non-teaching parents of RE students to volunteer on a rotating basis as a “Floating Volunteer.” Being the “FV” is easy and fun and helps everything run smoothly on Sunday mornings. It’s also a great way for you to stay in touch with what’s going on. We\’ll show you what to do—also, printed instructions are posted in the snack area and in the RE section of our website. You may also contact the DLFD or anyone on the RE Committee for more information.

Permission Forms

I hereby give my permission for my child, named above, to participate in Field Trips (walking, within 4 blocks of the congregation) or to travel by car driven by UCWC parents &/or teachers. Prior notification will be given for field trips involving car travel.
I hereby give my permission for photos of RE activities that include my child, named above, to be posted to the UCWC website and/or appear in Connections, the weekly congregational email update. I understand that children’s names will not be listed.

Special Accommodations

If you answered “Yes” to either/both questions 3 and 4 above, please complete this section.

If you answered “No” to both those questions, proceed to the end of the form to “Sign” and submit it. Thank you.

Our Religious Education (RE) Program requires specific information about any child with special needs that may affect whether or not he/she can access the RE Program. We want you and your family to feel welcome here and we will work with you to try to integrate your child into the Program; however, we may not be able to accommodate every child’s needs. We are a relatively small congregation, with limited resources, and our RE Program is staffed entirely by volunteers, not professionals. Thank you!

NOTE: If a support person or other aide is not available for any session, you will be expected to attend the session with your child.

“Sign” this form and submit it.

I understand that the information provided on this form will be reviewed by the Director of Lifespan
Faith Development and pertinent information shared with the minister and teachers as needed. This
information will be stored for reference and contact information provided to our database for
messaging and mailing.

I also understand that the Unitarian Congregation of West Chester will try to accommodate any needs of my child, and review these accommodation notes for changes as needed, but is under no
obligation to continue to do so if my child’s developmental or physical changes are of such a nature
as to be disruptive to the RE Program and/or to the well-being of the other participants in the Program.

For security verification, please enter any random two digit number. For example: 70