Getting Started
We love visitors and look forward to welcoming your children on whatever Sunday morning you choose. (Please check our calendar for holidays and multi-generational Sunday services.) You need not be a member for your children to attend classes, but we do ask that you complete a Registration Form for each child after two visits.
RE Classes and Safety
Come join us for our RE Classes on Sunday mornings! We will gather at 10am each week in the sanctuary for the first 15 minutes of the service to hear a message for all ages before we head down to our classes together. Once a month this will differ as we start downstairs for a childrenâs worship circle to share and bond together. WE then break out into our individual classes by age from about 10:15 to 11:15 am. Parents are welcome to join the coffee hour after service before coming down to pick up your children.
We do work to keep a safe environment for everyone. Our teachers all have background checks, clearances, and vaccinations. We also respect allergies with a NO NUT policy in our downstairs areas and we are happy to work with other accommodations as needed.
Your Childâs Experience
To give your child the best possible experience when you visit, please read   â1st Day in RE.â.
To help you know what goes on in class, we also offer a weekly âHome Link.â This gives parents a good place to begin a dialogue. Parents are of course welcome to visit the classrooms, though we ask for you to be clearance for ongoing time in our classes.
To help you know what goes on in class, teachers provide a weekly âHome Link.â This also gives parents good places to begin a dialogue. Parents are of course welcome at any time to visit the classrooms.
We have a small, but growing lending library. Topics range from Unitarian Universalism to general spirituality, and include books on UU families and being a UU parent.
Special Accommodations
We strive to do our best to include children with special accommodations and we are supported by the parents in this as we are a volunteer based program. Please see the Registration page for details. Registration page for details.
Contact our Director of Lifespan Faith Development, Cassie Lengel, at email: DLFD.