Parent Partnership
We are happy and proud to offer religious education classes for our families, children, and youth. However we cannot do it alone – ours is a parent involved program because we believe that the best learning comes when it is shared and reinforced at home. Check out some ways that we can support one another!
We know that our families are super busy and pulled in a number of directions in today’s society so there is no worry if you need to miss weeks, but we believe the rewards of the RE programs are multiplied by regular attendance. Children are building friendships, seeing friends they may not normally see throughout the week, and having meaningful moments. Together we create a sense of belonging with our time and presence, and with belonging brings safety, self-esteem, and joy.
Talk with the teachers!
We want to know more about your children and how we can best celebrate and support them. Help us understand what your child likes to do and their learning skills so classes can be meaningful and fun for them!
Communicate questions, concerns, and suggestions
You know your family and we know religious education – only when we come together can we create something beautiful! Talk with the teacher, a member of the RE Committee, or the Director of Lifespan Faith Development – we WANT to know!
Look through the home link materials and talk with your child
Each week we will include a summary of what we did in class as well as some discussion questions or an activity you can do to engage with your child during the week.
Express yourself!
All our children are so bright and see the world in creative and unique ways. Encouraging them to share their thoughts helps us to understand them and empowers them to become independent thinkers in respective ways. Share your values with them and why you think they are important so they can see your investment in these important areas of life.
Consider signing up to help us teach or assist the teachers in RE! You are always paired with a second teacher so you never have to go alone, and we help provide the curriculum and supplies. You can also help out as a floating volunteer helping with snacks, attendance, and any other areas where another set of hands is helpful! We also have an RE committee that meets once a month for planning RE.
Financial Hardship
We want your family to be able to be a part of everything we do here at UCWC, and most of what we do is free. However, if finances are ever a barrier for your family to participate in our programs and events please, please, please reach out to the Director of Lifespan Faith Development and we will work out a solution confidentially.