Our Mission and Vision
We are a member congregation of the Unitarian Universalist Association of Congregations. We ascribe to the Seven Principles and Sources of the UUA that can be found here.
The following statements have been written and adopted by our own congregation and reflect what we aspire to be and how we act on those aspirations.
Our Mission Statement
Our mission is to:
GROW in spirit, heart and mind
LOVE through care and community
SERVE beyond ourselves
Our Vision Statement
The Unitarian Congregation of West Chester will be a vital, growing, and diverse congregation that is a powerful voice and respected example of Unitarian Universalist principles in action.
We will be an inviting, warm and inclusive place of inspiration, healing and spiritual growth, where we minister with one another in a community of mutual respect, love and support.
We will have welcoming, inspiring and nourishing worship services and programs for all ages that encourage us to live our values and that incorporate a diversity of music, arts, and spiritual practices.
We will nurture and enrich the spiritual lives of children, youth and adults, providing resources for faith development, opportunities for service, strategies for navigating life and strengthening connections among our members.
We will engage in our larger community to assist and empower those in need, support groups that are vulnerable, help protect the environment and advocate for justice.
We will draw on the talents of our members, mobilize our financial resources, and hire the professional staff needed to be good stewards of our Unitarian Universalist heritage and to expand the congregation, our programs, and our reach into the world beyond our doors.
— The Members of the Unitarian Congregation of West Chester