Speaker: Rev. Dan Schatz

Hidden Wonders

In Person and Live-Stream. Wonders are all around us – in the ground, in our lives, and in the human heart.  

Connecting – Jazz Service

In person and Live-Stream On this very special Sunday, we celebrate our connections to our congregation and to one another with a jazz service featuring reflections from Dan and music from acclaimed trumpeter Paul Giess and pianist Will Brock.

A Community of Caring

In-person and Live-stream. As a congregation we care for one another in many ways, from Small Group Ministries to simple friendship. Together, we “love through care and community.”

The Best within Us

In-person and Live-stream. We come to religion with the hope of finding guidance in living good lives. How does Unitarian Universalism help us find the best within ourselves?

Many Mountains

In-person and live stream. Unitarian Universalists are truth seekers – but is there only one truth? Can many spiritual paths help us meet different needs in our lives?

Winds of Justice All-ages Service

In-person and live stream. This special All Ages service will honor Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, stories of justice past and current. Please convert the cash in your Guest at Your Table box to a check with “UUSC” in the memo line, and bring it on or before this Sunday.

How to Bless the World

Rev Dan Schatz. Live stream and in-person. A blessing is far more than a few words, hastily spoken.  It can be as large as an entire life.