Sunday Service: Happiness? Contentment?: a look at possible pathways to a fulfilled and enriched life

Sunday Service: Happiness? Contentment?: a look at possible pathways to a fulfilled and enriched life

February 16, 2025

In Person & Live Stream

Would you rather be happy or content? In what ways is each similar to  or different form the other? How is each attained or fostered? What paths or practices might lead us to where we want to be related to the happiness and contentment? These are among the questions Robin plans to explore with us.

Robin Garrett is a long-time member of UCWC and credits our congregation with being a major force in enabling her to gain new insights and understandings about life, the universe and everything. She currently identifies as Unitarian Universalist Quaker semi-Buddhist. Her first formal exploration of contentment was in an essay she wrote in 2013 during a year of yoga teacher training. The essay focused on santosha, or contentment, one of the five niyamas or rules for daily living in Yogic philosophy.

501 S. High St.
West Chester, PA 19382
United States

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