Every gift is valued and welcome.

We hope you will seriously and joyfully consider what UCWC means to you and your family as you make your financial commitment. We must grow and sustain our support as shared stewards of our mission and our community of faith.

Did you pledge last year?

If “yes” go to Make Your Annual Pledge.

If “no” go to Make a New Pledge.

Message from the Minister

When we reach out to one another during our annual stewardship campaign, we renew our connections with each other and with our spiritual home. A generous pledge does more than keep the lights on and ensure just compensation for our staff; it also allows us to reach out in new ways, connecting with one another and our surrounding community.  It also helps us invite and welcome newcomers of all ages, so that our congregation can continue to grow, love and serve in the coming year and beyond.

I hope you will take advantage of the opportunities for connecting during this year’s stewardship drive, and that you will join me in supporting our congregation with a generous pledge. Coming together, we thrive.

Rev. Dan Schatz

Why Pledge?

The generous pledges of members and friends determine the financial resources available to our congregation and form the basis of what we can do as a congregation for UCWC and for the wider community.

What Is the Stewardship Campaign?

Making a pledge and following up with regular contributions is the primary way that members and friends give financial support to UCWC. The spring Stewardship Drive is when pledges are solicited from members and friends, but pledges may be made any time during the year.

At the conclusion of the Stewardship Drive a budget is developed for the next fiscal year, which begins July 1. The congregation is asked to approve the budget at the year-end Congregational Meeting.

How Much Should I give?

Giving is a very personal decision. This guide is provided to help you decide on an appropriate level of pledging for you.

What Can You Give?

  • Cash. Identify your donation for tax purposes. Cash vouchers & envelopes are available in the foyer.
  • Checks. Tip – use your bank’s online bill pay. Great for recurring contributions and UCWC is not charged a fee.
  • Investments such as stocks, bonds, and mutual fund shares. Appreciated investments are a wise choice because of tax benefits to the donor.
  • Retirement Plan Charitable Distributions. Tip reduce taxes on your required distribution by having your financial institution issue a charitable distribution check payable to UCWC. Click here for more information.
  • Grants from Donor-Advised Funds.

How Can You Give?

To contribute toward a pledge, write a check, use our giving portal, or use your bank’s online bill pay.

CHECKS: Checks should be payable to “UCWC” and specify “Pledge” and Pledge Year (e.g. 2025-2026 Pledge) on the memo line. Mail checks to: Income Treasurer, Unitarian Congregation of West Chester, 501 South High Street, West Chester, PA 19382, or simply drop them in the collection basket.

PAY PORTAL: To pay through our convenient giving portal, click here, and select “Pledge” among the choices.

PAYPAL: Directions soon to come.

VENMO: Directions soon to come.

All contributions are 100% tax deductible.

Do You Know?

  • Our operating expenses in 1985 were $31,700.
  • Now our current budget is $368,100
  • It costs $2,035 per member or $3,475 per pledging unit to do what we do here at UCWC.

What Are Restricted Funds?

It is also possible to give to the UCWC by donating to restricted funds. Restricted funds are earmarked for a specific purpose. These funds are kept separate from the operating budget (except for the Building Reserves) and are funded by special donations and fundraisers. Money donated to one of these funds is kept in the fund until the money is spent for the specified purpose.

There are four permanent restricted funds. Three—the Capital Projects Fund, the Endowment Fund, and the Social Action Trust Fund—are not funded from the annual budget. A fourth permanent restricted fund, the Building Reserves Fund for major building repairs and improvements, is funded by the annual budget, but may receive gifts.

    • Capital Projects Fund. The Capital Projects Fund is a restricted fund that accepts planned and special gifts that will be used to meet the expenses of major improvements to the building and grounds and for major maintenance work.
    • Endowment Fund. The Endowment Fund is a restricted fund that accepts planned and special gifts for future needs. The Endowment Fund income will be used for identified special or enduring programs or projects.
    • Social Action Trust Fund. The Social Action Trust Fund is a restricted fund that distributes money to social action projects serving Chester County. Social action groups in our Congregation are encouraged to make recommendations to the Board for granting awards or donations to deserving local social action groups.
    • Building Reserves. The Building Reserves Fund is for non-standard major maintenance and repair of the building or systems within the building not normally anticipated as ongoing annual expenses.

Other Restricted Funds. In addition, other short-term restricted funds may be created for a special purpose. Examples are a fund to buy a new piano or a memorial fund.

Whom Do You Contact?

For questions on: