Hospitality Teams
We have a system that does two things for us (and you) called Hospitality Teams. The team concept is both for Building Community, one of our core values, and for serving as volunteers on Sunday mornings.
Four Sundays and a Party
Each Team does it’s magic for four weeks in a row and then celebrates with a party. The next team takes the next four weeks and so on. The teams, as currently designed, are geographically based so that by working together, you also find out who are your neighbors which, we hope, will invite you to make further connections with one another.  This is a GREAT way for a newcomer to take a small step into the community.
Volunteers from the congregation make up Hospitality Teams that play these vital roles in the running of Sunday Services.
- Openers unlock the front door to the building and take care of other preparations in the space such as distributing hymnals and removing the cover from the piano.
- Ushers distribute the Order of Service, assist with seating, and help with the collection plate during the service. Â If you have a creative talent as part of a team we welcome thematic or seasonal decorations at the front of the sanctuary.
- Closers, after the service, make certain candles and the chalice are extinguished as everyone moves to the back of the sanctuary to enjoy conversation and the drinks and snacks that are available.
The Teams
We’d love to see you join up with one of our four teams:
- East of Eatin’
- The Northern Lights
- The UUCrew
- The Southies
Join the team and get connected!
Already on a team? Sign up for reminders.
Once you sign up and set up your own account, you will get automatic reminders via e-mail or textâyour choice.
Learn More
Contact e-mail: hospitality
Click here to download the Hospitality Team Activity Descriptions for Sunday Service (PDF)