Search Beyond

“Search Beyond” Rev. Dan Schatz July 14, 2024  Banjo Paterson was the king of the Australian Bush poets. Now, even if you were unaware that Australian Bush poetry is a thing, you might have heard Paterson most famous work, the unofficial national anthem of Australia, “Waltzing Matilda.” He was the king of the Bush poets … Continue reading Search Beyond

Love and Justice

“Love and Justice” Rev. Dan Schatz Unitarian Congregation of West Chester April 28, 2024 In the early 2000s, this country began turning toward justice for same sex couples. Vermont had legalized civil unions not long before. Unitarian Universalist ministers across the country preached sermons in support of marriage equality. Mine was called “Freedom to Love.” … Continue reading Love and Justice

The More Things Change

The More Things Change April 7, 2024 Rev. Dan Schatz Come into this hour of transformation. Come into this community that is never complete. Come into this life that invites you to discovery. Come in and be welcome. Let us enter into worship together. Reading: “I Call That Church Free,” by James Luther Adams, excerpted I … Continue reading The More Things Change

Listen to the Morning

Listen to the Morning March 31, 2024 Rev. Dan Schatz “Every now and then I hear mothers talking about – well really bragging about how well their babies sleep, and their children sleep. They sleep all night, and sleep until 7 or 8 o’clock in the morning, and I listen to those tales with just … Continue reading Listen to the Morning

The Interdependent Web

The Interdependent Web by Rev. Dan Schatz March 17, 2024  When I was a Latin American Studies student in Austin, Texas, I used to attend services at the First Unitarian Church, a few miles up the road from my apartment. There was one guy in the congregation who would stand out in any crowd. His … Continue reading The Interdependent Web

Gifts of Spirit

Gifts of Spirit by Rev. Dan Schatz February 5, 2024 It’s nice to get some good weather, isn’t it? Yesterday I went out and just let the sunshine soak in – it was such a relief after too many cold and soggy days. I was thinking about the hymn we sang earlier, “For all that … Continue reading Gifts of Spirit

Every Soul

“Every Soul” by Dan Schatz January 28, 2024 I was not one of the popular kids when I was growing up. I know – to see me today it comes as a shock, but truth be told, I was a nerd. I had this mop of unruly curly hair, big glasses, cheap clothes, and I … Continue reading Every Soul


Opening Rev. Dan Schatz December 3, 2023 Hearts needed opening. Mindsets needed to change. The ancient Kingdom of Magadha, in what is now India, had given rise to a heartless warlord. Conquering kingdom after kingdom, at last he ascended the throne as Emperor Ashoka, styled Ashoka the Great. Ashoka’s conquest of Kalinga was the last … Continue reading Opening

Talk About Love

Talk About Love Rev. Dan Schatz May 14, 2023 Readings: Mother’s Day is complicated. Joyful for many, yes, but complicated. It’s right there on the calendar, even if your mother has died. Even if you’ve been told, yet again, that you’re still not pregnant; or if you’ve never been more scared than you are right … Continue reading Talk About Love