Waiting for Jesus and Superman

Beth Monhollen.

Live-stream and in-person.

What stories do we tell ourselves to make sense of the ever-uncertain world? What saviors do we search for in calamity and how might curiosity and wonder serve us more fully as people of a covenantal faith?

Beth Monhollen is originally from eastern Kentucky but has lived in Milwaukee since middle school. She was first introduced to Unitarian Universalism through reproductive rights activism in the late 1990s and officially joined her home congregation, the First Unitarian Society of Milwaukee, in 2013. It was through her involvement at her congregation that she began to discern a call to ministry that would allow her to use skills gained as a writer, actor, and educator for the spiritual development of others and she enrolled in the Master of Divinity program at Meadville Lombard Theological School in the fall of 2020 and plans to graduate in May 2023.

Beth worked in higher education for twenty years and left that career in the summer of 2021 to complete an intensive chaplaincy training at a hospice in Milwaukee. She is serving as the ministerial intern at WellSprings UU, a role that has been multi-platform for the last year, but she just moved to an apartment in Phoenixville this July and is looking forward to having more time in Chester County.

Beth’s grounds her theology on experiencing the divine through our interconnections and interdependence with one another and in fostering mutuality in all our relationships.