Important Information

A Word about Donations.
We welcome gently-used antiques, jewelry, objets d’art, and other items of value in excellent condition, but not used “yard sale” items, obsolete electronics, worn-out furniture, etc.

The winning bidder may be someone you don’t know.
With items such as boats, special equipment or vacation homes you may want to ask for a security deposit. Services are available as arranged by donor and buyer for one year unless otherwise specified.

Deadline. Please submit your donation as early as possible. The deadline to have your donation included in the booklet is October 1. Donations submitted after that date will be included in the addendum, available at a later date.

Required Fields. Fields with an asterisk (*) are required. There are five such fields:

     Donor Name(s)  •  Email  •  Name of Service/Item  •  Description • Estimated Value

     Phone is not required but helpful.

Please email it to [email protected].

We designate a minimum bid of approximately 40% of the Fair Market value. If time is running out and no bids have been made, we will lower the minimum bid.
For security verification, please enter any random two digit number. For example: 37